Laboratoire de Recherche LRDSI


Equipe 5



Missions de l’équipe


The Networking Research Group at USDB explores the use of scientific and engineering concepts/toolsto design resilient communication networks, andto develop new approaches for buildingefficient advanced infrastructure and mobile networks. Our specific research areas are (but not limited to):

– Networked systems and services including: web, grid, and cloud;
– Communication systems and protocols;
– Cloud networking;
– Networks/systems on chip;
– Wireless networks including: ad hoc networks, vehicular, sensor, and internet of things;
– Real time multimedia systems and protocols;
– Peer-to-peer communications;
– Software-defined networks;
– Network simulation and measurements;
– Performance modelling and evaluation;

– Conduct fundamental and basic research on networking in order to advance the state of the art of the field;
– Train highly-qualified young researchers in the area networking and computer systems;
– Develop new network solutions that have real-world practical applications in areas such as agriculture, education, and health;
– Design network systems that solve practical problems encountered by local and international industries.

Mots clés

Networked system, Web development, Cloud networking, Communication systems, Wireless networks, Real-time multimedia systems, Peer-to-peer communications…

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