United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs Postgraduate Scholarship Offer

December 26th

the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research is the recipient of an offer of six (06) postgraduate study scholarships on nano satellite technologies, from the United Nations Office for Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and the Government of Japan in cooperation with Kyushu Institute of Technology.

The scholarships are distributed as follows:

  • Three (03) scholarships for the master’s program;
  • Three (03) scholarships for the doctoral program.

This scholarship offer is part of the postgraduate program on nanosatellite technologies (PNST) under the “Access to space for all” initiative.
The program covers tuition and provides a stipend to cover living expenses.

The deadline for submitting an application is January 05, 2024.
Applications from women are encouraged.

Additional information is available at:
https://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/access2space4all/PNST/PNST _Rounds.html