Hungarian scholarship offer

December 13th

the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research is the recipient of a scholarship offer under
the academic year 2024–2025, from the Hungarian government.
This offer concerns:
Senior students enrolled in the final year of a bachelor's degree wishing to prepare for a Master's level diploma and those enrolled in the final year of a Master's degree wishing to prepare for a PHD, and meeting the eligibility criteria for residential training abroad.
We remind you that this program only entitles you to the scholarship granted by the Hungarian side, and the final selection is the responsibility of the Hungarian side.
All information relating to this offer can be consulted
on the following Hungarian government web page:  Le délai d’introduction des candidatures online est fixé au 15 janvier 2023
The selection of eligible candidates and the terms of submission of files to the university establishments will be determined by the regional conference subsequently.